July Team Class

Keep Calm & Oil On for Free!dollar

How can I get my essential oils FREE? We all know that money can be tight at times. But we don’t want to neglect our health. Even though essential oils costs only pennies per dose, it would be nice to not have to have to pay any more health care expenses than those that automatically come out of the paycheck, whether you’re sick or not.

You can get your essential oils products for FREE! This is so do-able. No, not through insurance payments or someone else’s tax $, but by just sharing what you love about them with others.

You don’t have to want to build a big business, or put in set working hours to do this. That’s one of the things I love about our company, we are a Share & Teach, not a Recruit & Sale company. Just use the oils and share what you love about them with others you want to bless. (Of course, if you want to pay for more than just your essential oils orders, sharing more can achieve that too.)

Come hear some effective ways that you can share with others. These ideas will help you (and your friends) learn to get your (and their) essential oils orders FREE like I do.

All Wellness Advocates on my team, as well as others that are interested are welcome.

God’s Scents July ’14 Team Class

Thursday July 10, 7:00
North Platte, NE
Please RSVP

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